Follow the steps below to purchase templates from DigitalOfficePro website:
Browse for your desired template in our template collections -
Choose your desired template and go to template details page.
From the template details page choose template type to purchase. Each template have 3 template (3/40/60 Slides) versions available.
Add the desired template type to cart by clicking the 'Add to Cart' button.
After adding desired templates to cart, go to cart page by clicking the cart icon placed in the right top corner of the page.
You can able to see all the added items in cart. Review your cart and click on the ‘Continue Checkout’ button to proceed.
You are being directed to our payment gateway page. Fill your billing and payment details and submit payment.
After successful payment you will be redirected to DigitalOfficePro order success page, here you can download the purchased template file by clicking the ‘Download Now’ button.
You get the templates in a zipped folder (.zip) containing the selected templates. You may need decompression software (some of MS Windows versions support ZIP-folders automatically): WinZip 9.x for Windows or Stuffit Expander 10.x for Mac.
Follow the steps below to download templates using subscription plan:
Login to your account with the subscribed account login credentials.
Browse for your desired template in our template collections
Choose your desired template and go to template details page.
From the template details page choose template type to purchase. Each template have 3 template (3/40/60 Slides) versions available.
Add the desired template type to cart by clicking the 'Add to Cart' button.
After adding desired templates to cart, go to cart page by clicking the cart icon placed in the right top corner of the page.
You can able to see all the added items in cart. Below the cart you can see the option to download template.
You get the templates in a zipped folder (.zip) containing the selected templates. You may need decompression software (some of MS Windows versions support ZIP-folders automatically): WinZip 9.x for Windows or Stuffit Expander 10.x for Mac.
Please note all our prices are stated in USD, but at checkout you have an option to pay with the currency of your choice.
DigitalOfficePro does not store any information about your payment method. Payments are securely processed by 2Checkout gateway. Industry standard encryption is used to ensure that your details never end up in the wrong hands.
The download is a zipped folder (.zip) containing the ordered templates. You may need decompression software (some of MS Windows versions support ZIP-folders automatically): WinZip 9.x for Windows or Stuffit Expander 10.x for Mac
Yes, after purchase you will get instantly access to download ordered products.
Yes, by default your subscriptions are set for auto renewal, you can mail us to stop auto renewal.
Yes, it absolutely free, you do not need to pay a fee to open an account in DigitalOfficePro website.
Yes, of course, you can use your downloaded products after your subscription will expires.
Yes they are. But you need to have a software program that supports the available formats.