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IPresentationConverter Interface
Exposes the public members of the DigitalofficePro.Html5PointSdk.PresentationConverter class to unmanaged code.

Namespace: DigitalOfficePro.Html5PointSdk
Assembly: DigitalOfficePro.Html5PointSdk (in DigitalOfficePro.Html5PointSdk.dll) Version: (
public interface IPresentationConverter

The IPresentationConverter type exposes the following members.

Public methodActivateLicense
To activate library using user name and license Key.
Public methodCancelConversion
To cancel the HTML5 conversion
Public methodClosePresentation
To close the previously opened presentation
Public methodConvert(String)
To convert the already opened presentation.
Public methodConvert(String, Boolean)
To convert the already opened presentation without using threads during conversion.
Public methodDeactivateLicense
To deactivate SDK activation using license Key.
Public methodGetLicenseInfo
Returns license information, ie user name, and license Key.
Public methodInitLibrary
Initialize library using user name and license Key, which is used for redistribution license.
Public methodOpenPresentation
To copy the given prsentation to the temp folder then open the same.
Public propertyIsActivated
Indicates whether the library is activated or not. Read-only.
Public propertyLastErrorDescription
Returns a brief description about last occurred error. Read-only.
Public propertySettings
Returns a ISetting object which providing properties and methods for the HTML5 Conversion. Read-only.
Public propertyVersion
Returns a string which represent HTML5Point SDK version. Read-only.
See Also